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Covid-19 Dashboard


I was tasked with creating a Covid-19 tracking dashboard for Yavapai County, Arizona. I worked closely with not only my department, but also with the county’s EOC, health department, epidemiologist, and attorney to ensure we abided by HIPPA regulations.

In the dashboard, I have incorporated many different statistics for our county including: number of testing facilities, total tests administered, negative tests, confirmed cases, hospitalizations, deaths, and cases by region. Pop-ups have been customized for testing facilities to incorporate the name of the facility, their address, and their website.

I have also included statewide data from the Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs (rest services) and well as the Arizona Department of Health Services. Additionally, I have incorporated county level, state level, and world-wide country level data from John Hopkins University (rest services).

If anyone would like tips on building their own dashboard, or links to the rest services used, I encourage you to reach out to me. I’m a geospatial geek and love to share what I know!

Update 10/20/2020 - The dashboard has been viewed over 15,000 times and receives an average of 85 views per day!

covid dashboard usage statistics

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