I had the pleasure of presenting not once, but three times at the 2022 GIS for Transportation Symposium in Charleston South Carolina. Unfortunately, with the return to in person events, these presentations were not recorded. However, the presentations are embedded into this webpage and I have also provided links below in Microsoft PowerPoint Format.
In addition to the presentations, I’m grateful for the opportunity I was afforded to host and participate in two special interest groups: FME In Transportation, and DOT Data Visualization.

In this presentation, Sage Donaldson from ADOT and I presented about the process we developed at Gistic Research, Inc which allowed ADOT to finally republish their State Highway System Detail and Summary Logs after a 8 year hiatus.
In this presentation, Shaun Perfect from ADOT and I presented about the process I developed at Gistic Research, Inc which provided ADOT managers with a Google Data Studio dashboard containing errors within their Esri Roads and Highways LRS system. This dashboard is all encompassing and contains SDE Domain errors across all 105 feature classes, LRS Event Errors, and LRS Route errors.
In this process demonstration, I got to demonstrate a workflow Gistic Research, Inc. developed that allows us to take non-spatial linear events and create authoritative polygonal boundaries for cartographic and LRS Event overlay purposes.